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  Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter)

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it's a revolution, i suppose
 Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) Empty
Lance Hunter
Thanks for the democracy lesson, lady thomas jefferson

Nom et Prénom : Lance Hunter. Généralement appelé par son nom de famille, il n'est plus très fan de son prénom depuis son adolescence et puis il a pris l'habitude dans l'armée. D'ailleurs certaines personnes sont surprises de découvrir qu'il ne s'appelle pas Hunter Hunter...Les gens peuvent être cons, oui Alias : Amadeus Ravenclaw Hunter. Nom totalement choisi au hasard et qui n'a rien d'officiel, en gros s'il vous répond ça c'est qu'il se fout de votre gueule ouvertement. Âge : Trente-deux ans. Merde plus de trente ans de conneries... Lieu de naissance & nationalité : Dymchurch, Kent, Angleterre. Maintenant si quelqu'un lui demande s'il est Australien, ça va pas le faire et puis comme son accent le démontre il est bien entendu au service de sa majesté...enfin, en bossant pour des Américains...Il est Anglais, quoi. Métier : Maître de la soupe au champignon, et non, vous n'aurez pas le secret. Bon, pour être plus sérieux, Hunter pourrait être considéré comme agent du S.H.I.E.L.D. Et bon sang que ça a été difficile de le reconnaitre. Tout d'abord parce que son ex démoniaque aka Bobbi Morse à toujours été un agent loyal de cette organisation et que c'est en partie à cause de cela qu'ils ont divorcés mais aussi parce que bosser en tant que mercenaire pendant un moment, ça vous donne un certain goût pour la liberté. Mais maintenant, il peut le dire, crier haut sur les toits sa loyauté pour Coulson Statut civil : Pauvre malheureux, pourquoi poser cette question ? Divorcé. Son âme a été sauvée et son ex démoniaque n'a pas réussi à lui voler. Donc pour lui les grandes blondes avec un air dangereux c'est terminé...ou presque...Enfin c'est que, oui, ils sont divorcés mais il prendrait une balle pour elle Orientation sexuelle : Hétérosexuel. Même s'il n'a aucun mal à admettre que Mack est un très bel homme...et Fitz et Lincoln... Merde, même cet enfoiré de Ward à son charme ! Particularités : Ne prends rien au sérieux ? Peut être. Ou peut être parce qu'il déteste simplement les situations trop tendues et qu'il a besoin d'ajouter une petite touche d'humour pour égayer les choses. Mais c'est également un grand tireur d'élite, doué avec n'importe quel calibre. Menteur d'exception, cela fait de lui un assez bon espion et il a d'ailleurs plusieurs alias toujours actifs auprès de quelques réseaux criminels ce qui fait qu'il peut obtenir quelques renseignements utiles. Il se débrouille aussi pas mal au combat au corps à corps. Un vrai petit soldat, une attitude, et une tendance à être flemmard. Affiliation : S.H.I.E.L.D. Même s'il a tout de même gardé son côté solitaire, de plus il a une toute autre mission en tête en ce moment.

ÊTES-VOUS POUR OU CONTRE LA LOI DE RECENSEMENT DES MUTANTS ? POURQUOI ? SI VOUS ÊTES UN MUTANT, AVEZ-VOUS DÉCIDÉ DE VOUS RECENSER ? Tout cela est politique et Hunter et la politique, ça fait deux et il ne veux pas se mouiller dans cette histoire et préfère ne pas donner sa position, il est neutre. Voilà pour la réponse officielle. Maintenant, il a bien une opinion là dessus...Mutants, Inhumains et toutes ces personnes avec des pouvoirs...Il les voyait comme une menace avant parce qu'après tout c'est cette ordure de Carl Creel qui a tué son équipe mais après...Il y a Skye, enfin, Daisy et elle est bienveillante et il sait qu'il lui confierait sa vie et qu'elle ne ferait rien d'irresponsable avec son don. Alors pour Hunter, il ne faut pas mettre tous les mutants dans le même panier, au lieu de cela, peut être faire passer une petit examen psychologique pour veiller à séparer les bons des mauvais. Oui, le recensement peut être une bonne chose, si l'on a tous les dangers potentiels dans un fichier alors cela pourrait faciliter les choses mais et les pauvres mutants innocents ? Non, ils n'ont pas leur place sur cette liste. Alors recensement, oui, mais uniquement les psychopathes.
Pensez-vous que les Superhéros soient une bonne chose ? Du genre Iron Man ou le monstre vert ? Oui, bien sûr. Ils peuvent gérer des choses graves. Prenons l'exemple Chitauris, est-ce que le monde s'en serait sortis sans eux ? Probablement pas. D'un autre côté, cela à fait naître une génération d'apprentis héros, de justiciers qui pensent faire le bien comme les Avengers mais qui en réalité causent beaucoup plus de soucis pour les agents qui doivent contenir certaines débordements. La réponse n'est pas claire mais c'est tout simplement parce qu'il y à beaucoup d'autres choses à prendre en compte. Mais, Oui, C'est une bonne chose
Êtes-vous satisfait de la profession que vous effectuez actuellement ?*long soupir* Oui. Non. C'est compliqué. La vérité est que le S.H.I.E.L.D. est devenue une famille et qu'il prendrait une balle pour les membres de son équipe mais depuis que Bobbi s'est fait enlevée et torturée, il n'a qu'une seule idée en tête : qu'on l'assigne à aller chasser Ward. Pour l'instant il mène son enquête dans l'ombre pour le retrouver mais il continue de demander à Coulson de le laisser partir même s'il sait que l'homme à qui il a juré fidélité n'a plus le pouvoir de décider et très franchement, lui et Hill, ça ne passe pas... Quoi qu'il arrive, il tiendra la promesse faite à Bobbi et mettra une balle dans la tête de Grant Ward.

citation citation citation
«I could be James Bond. I could. » At this point, Hunter was basically listening to his own voice and trying to convince himself more than he was trying to convince the others in the car. He’d been talking for ages and he was certain that he could ear the people in the car rolling their eyes. He knew that he was being annoying and honestly that was beautiful to him. The whole James Bond Story ? God, of course he couldn’t be James Bond, he knew it very well but he kinda took it personally when someone suggested that he wasn’t very subtle or classy. That was offensive and he decided to prove point by point that he could very well being the greatest spy that ever existed (knowing that he actually couldn’t because, come on they were totally right and Hunter knew it very well)
He just loved annoying the hell out of people. For fun. The night was going to be very long for those that were with him in this car and he intended to enjoy every minute of it.
He smiled. All this James Bond talk reminded him of his dad. That spy thing was a thing for his father and they bonded over James Bond films, he remembered that it was the only time his father and him would talk and how his dad would take him to the movies to see the latest movie. So of course, growing up, little Lance wanted to be a hero. A spy. He wanted to see this look in his father’s eyes, he wanted him to be proud of him, that’s all. Not that he wasn’t but let’s just say that Lance was a bit of a loud kid. His mother would always try to calm him down but she never really raised her voice so it was hard for little Lance to take her seriously. Now, at an adult age, he could swear that she had some sort of depression or something. If only he knew back then. He wasn’t a bad kid, he was just talking, smashing, but he was never mean. He just trying to express himself.
His teenage years were not the worst contrary to the popular belief. Sure he was probably the worst student at school when he actually went to school. That was definitely not his favorite place, he was a bit of a troublemaker anyway and he was pretty sure that teachers were actually happy when he didn’t show up. He wasn’t a bully either, that’s another thing people thought about him when they were looking and talking to him now but he wasn’t, he never bullied anyone…other than bullies themselves. No, Lance was a weird mixture between a troublemaker and the class clown. Always making a joke, always ‘forgetting’ about homework, occasionally flirting with a teacher (offering to drink a beer in her car. Hey it worked that one time!) and of course stealing other guys’ girlfriends. Yes, he was a bad friend and a good friend at the same time. It was hard to put a label on him, he was just being Lance Hunter. He gave up the idea of being a spy during those years and that’s also the time when everything didn’t work out at home. His mother was gone. Gone, not dead. He always thought it was because of him but never stopped blaming his dad for being the absolute worst. He was no longer trying to impress him. They were just ignoring each other until Lance turned eighteen and took off.
Hunter, as he completely rejected his first name, joined the Army. That seemed like a good idea and the best option because honestly he wasn’t made to clean tables he was still too much of a troublemaker for that, he could never do a simple task when it was asked by a boss that treated him like he was nothing, so he left and decided that to embrace a career in the military. Honestly ? People thought it was the worst idea he ever had and he had very bad ideas in the past. With his temper ? There was no way he would make it. But what was supposed to be a disaster turned out to be the best decision he ever made. At least for a couple of years. He followed orders even if it was hard for him at first because his instinct was to answer something snarky and inappropriate but he knew where he was. This is what he wanted after all. As for his relationship with the other guys, well, let’s just say that he won them over with his charm… and a couple of beers and dirty jokes. He was being a man, it was as simple as that.
As the years passed, he became a lieutenant in the special air service, accomplishing many mission, including undercover ones with a low level Hydra operative.
During a mission in Dubai, He met Barbara Morse and Alphonso Mackenzie. The three of them became close and eventually fell for Agent Morse. Bobbi. This became a serious relationship between Hunter and the SHIELD Agent, so much that they ended up getting married, a decision that was the worst thing that ever happened to him because she was a hell beast. Of course it wasn’t all bad before she threw her wedding ring at his face one day. He just had enough with all the SHIELD secrecy because he wasn’t an Agent. And the secrets and lies drove him crazy and pushed him to drink a little more.
After the divorce, Hunter had to do something with his life, that’s when the opportunity of becoming a mercenary came to him. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to forget about his ex-wife. He worked Isabelle Hartley’s team, a woman he met thanks to his ex-wife. Izzie, Idaho and Hunter became mercenaries for hire. Good ones, too.
And then…Then the world got crazy. Aliens in New York, superheroes, Hydra taking over – of course he got worried about Bobbi at this point but he knew how strong she was.
The team was later approached by Phil Coulson, new director of SHIELD to work for him. He didn’t know the guy that much but agreed to work against payment. He didn’t know that this job would change his life. Because of an Alien artifact and Carl Creel, he lost Izzie and Idaho and was later offered money amongst other things by general Talbot against information on Coulson. He was tempted to but remained loyal to his new boss. He met his new teammates : May, Skye, Trip, Fitz and found an old friend in Mack who was already working for Coulson. Calling him ‘loyal’ was maybe a bit much. He was just working with these people until Bobbi came back much to his surprise – and she was a brunette! – knowing he had to work with his ex-wife was enough to make him want to leave and on top of that she still had something to do with him being here. Jesus, this woman had him everywhere she wanted. But the world was too messed up and so he decided to stay with SHIELD. And started some sort of new relationship with Bobbi again. At that point Hunter genuinely thought that reviving his relationship with the she-devil ex wife was the weirdest that could happen but, once again, he was wrong.

Skye gained powers from crystals. Check. Visit from Asgardian. Check. Secrets being kept from him. Check.
At that point, when he felt that he was being kept in the dark by Mack and Bobbi he was mad. Mad at her, at him but most of all mad at himself for believing that he could be with her again and this time things could be different. He thought they both grew up and that the fact that they were SHIELD together would help but apparently he was wrong. He tried to investigate but things went wrong when he impulsively went to interrogate Mack on the subject and that’s when things got even more complicated. No, Mack and Bobbi weren’t HYDRA, weren’t having an affair they were simply working for the ‘real SHILED’ the first thing on Hunter’s mind was : Bullshit. But yet, there he was in a gigantic office with an eagle on the door with a lot of important people trying to explain what they were trying to achieve. But Hunter being Hunter, all he wanted to do was to get the hell out of here and find Coulson and the team. Bobbi was definitely the she-devil ex-wife.

He took his time but finally found Coulson to help him and prove his allegiance to him by signing a piece of paper, a defining moment for him.

Things went crazy again when they had to team-up with the infamous Grant Ward but the craziest thing was yet to happen for Hunter and SHIELD, both SHIELDs. A war with the inhumans (oh yeah, that was their name, Hunter got a bit lost at that part as to how, why, when) all he cared about was to find Bobbi when she was missing. He left the crazy powered people the rest of the team but Him and May went on a hunt for Ward. When he did found Bobbi she was badly injured. He remembers Bobbi’s blood on his hands, that’s when it him : she was the love of his life – he knew it now. When he held her in his arms not knowing if she was going to make it after all she endured, he knew that he loved her so much. All he cared about was Bobbi that he brought back to the Playground with a sick feeling to his stomach. He pretty much blanked out of what else was happening at that same moment with the team, he wanted her safe and was finally relieved to see that she was gonna be alright. Well, ‘alright’ was maybe a bit much but she was not dying at least.
He promised himself one thing that night, when he finally agreed to leave his wife to get some sleep : he was going to hunt Grant Ward. Make him suffer.

Lance Hunter had done many things wrong in his life but he was determined to accomplish this one thing and for that he needed the help of Melinda May to go on a Ward hunt. He knew how to convince her, he was ready to reach the worst of the worst people he knew to get intel but he will get his revenge. He promised that to Bobbi.

Pseudo/âge/sexe (f ou m) ; aurelie/27/f Fréquence de connexion ; 4/7J. Que pensez-vous du forum? ; Je l'aime :keur: Comment l'avez-vous découvert ? Je crois que c'était bazzart Célébrité choisie ; Nick Blood Credits (avatar, icon etc.) ; moi & tumblr.

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it's a revolution, i suppose
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 Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 3662828281  Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 3662828281  Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 3662828281  Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 3662828281  Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 3662828281
Bon retour à la maison  Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 816362927
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it's a revolution, i suppose
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Viens faire un câlin, je sais que Lincoln en a envie  Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 3662828281  Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 816362927
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it's a revolution, i suppose
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Seulement si Lance promet de ne pas l'appeler Pikachu  Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 4052692420
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it's a revolution, i suppose
 Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) Empty
D'accord...Sparkplug (il joue a Pokemon Go ? Parce que Hunter aura totalement fait la blague de 'j'ai attrapé un pikachu' en le prenant en photo)
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it's a revolution, i suppose
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 Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 1398309379  Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 1398309379  Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 1398309379  Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 1398309379
Y en a un qui va se faire frire le cerveau  Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 4090359596  Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 4090359596
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it's a revolution, i suppose
 Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) Empty
Lance Hunter a écrit:
il joue a Pokemon Go ? Parce que Hunter aura totalement fait la blague de 'j'ai attrapé un pikachu' en le prenant en photo

Mais comment je suis trop heureuse de te voir de retour, juste pour ce genre de blagues déjà. :mdr: :mdr: :mdr: :inlove: :inlove:

REBIENVENUE PAR ICI. :inlove: T'as intérêt à rester cette fois.  Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 2880393346
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it's a revolution, i suppose
 Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) Empty
Daisy a écrit:

REBIENVENUE PAR ICI. :inlove: T'as intérêt à rester cette fois.  Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 2880393346

On que oui tu as intérêt à rester !! :excited:
Naan bon retour parmi nous :keur:
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not affiliated • leave me alone
Warren Worthington III
Warren Worthington III
it's a revolution, i suppose
not affiliated • leave me alone
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Rebienvenue ♥
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it's a revolution, i suppose
 Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) Empty
Daisy Johnson a écrit:
Lance Hunter a écrit:
il joue a Pokemon Go ? Parce que Hunter aura totalement fait la blague de 'j'ai attrapé un pikachu' en le prenant en photo

Mais comment je suis trop heureuse de te voir de retour, juste pour ce genre de blagues déjà. :mdr: :mdr: :mdr: :inlove: :inlove:

REBIENVENUE PAR ICI. :inlove: T'as intérêt à rester cette fois.  Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 2880393346

Merci :keur:
Ah, Tonton Hunter va aussi demander si Daisy et Lincoln ça secoue quand ils sont ensemble /*Shake It Off*  Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 3666961174

Lincoln Campbell a écrit:
 Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 1398309379  Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 1398309379  Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 1398309379  Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 1398309379
Y en a un qui va se faire frire le cerveau  Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 4090359596  Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 4090359596

Mais il l'aiiiiiime :shon:

WARD >  Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 4052692420
:mdr: :beat: :beat: :beat:  (je te doit une balle en pleine tête  Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 816362927 )
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it's a revolution, i suppose
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Rebienvenuuue! :hug:
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not affiliated • leave me alone
Jean Grey
Jean Grey
it's a revolution, i suppose
not affiliated • leave me alone
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Whoaaao , j'ai commencé à lire la fiche, j'aimais vraiment bien et là PAF de l'anglais  Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 2607349237
Mon cerveau va frire tout seul à continuer la lecture :mdr:

Bon sinon (re)bienvenue, voilà un personnage qui m'a l'air très sympa :cute:

Au plaisir de te recroiser en jeu   Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 503236911
(mais pas trop, hein, surtout si tu te mets à les faire complètement "in english"   Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) 2607349237  Une ou deux fois max, sinon je fais un AVC :mdr: )
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it's a revolution, i suppose
 Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter) Empty
Haha l'anglais est juste pour ma fiche après ce sera du français bien entendu ! Après je peux totalement tout traduire ! :mdr:
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pnj + marvels and wonders
it's a revolution, i suppose
pnj + marvels and wonders
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Congratulations !
tu es validé mon brave.

Bienvenue chez les HOMO SAPIENS.

AAAAAAAH TELLEMENT CONTENTE DE REVOIR LANCE PARMI NOUS. :hysteric: :hysteric: :hysteric: :hysteric: :hysteric: :hysteric: :hysteric: :hysteric: je suis joie, bonne humeur et volupté, ta fiche est toujours aussi parfaite, j'en demande plus et j'attends de le voir évoluer en rp. :inlove: BROTP AVEC FITZ TMTC, c'est parfait, bon jeu parmi nous! :pink:

time to have fun. Maintenant que tu es validé, tu peux commencer par aller recenser différentes choses, comme ton métier ou ton pouvoir si tu en as un. Tu peux aussi te chercher des copains sur le forum, c'est à dire poster ta fiche de liens. Si ton personnage est du genre à passer son temps sur son téléphone ou sur le net, tu peux aussi te rendre sur la webosphère.
Nous t'encourageons fortement à te rendre dans la chat box pour y faire la rencontre des autres membres, si tu le souhaites ! Sinon, tu peux aussi aller te créer un scénario. Quoi qu'il arrive, n'hésite pas à te faire ton trou par chez nous, on te souhaite bien des RPs et une belle et longue aventure sur TNA !

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S.H.I.E.L.D. + hill's bitch
Jemma Simmons
Jemma Simmons
it's a revolution, i suppose
S.H.I.E.L.D. + hill's bitch
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REBIENVENUUUUUUUUUUUUUE :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:
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it's a revolution, i suppose
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Excuse me doing my job thoroughly... and with style (Hunter)

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